In this simulation model, the motion of the anvil was divided into the vibration phase and the upcast motion phase. 仿真模型中,砧座的运动被分为振动及上抛运动两个阶段。
By studying the relation between internal friction and external factors, it is helpful for us to learn regulation and mechanism of internal friction in phase transformation and realize microscopic processes of phase interface motion in transformation more intensively. 所以,系统地研究相变过程中内耗与外界场的关系,有助于了解相变内耗的规律及产生机制,进而深化对相变过程中相界面运动微观过程的认识。
Effect of Phase Shifter ′ s Sub-Processional Motion on Interferometry 移相器类进动现象对干涉测量的影响
Based on the measure theory of the oscillatory compaction meter, the steady relation of the ground compaction degrees and the phase between the horizontal motion of roller center, as a measure eigenvalue, and the motion of circumferential of roller is established. 采用试验分析了振荡压实计测量原理,在作为测量特征值的轮心水平运动与轮缘切线运动之间的相位差与土壤压实度之间建立起某种稳定的具有足够敏感度的关系。
Specially, when the atom was at the superpositions of two internal state equal weight same phase, the translational motion wave function presented the very stable characteristics. 特别地,当原处于两内态等权重同位相迭加态时,平移运动呈现出稳定的特征。
A PGA algorithm, which can compensate any-order phase error in airborne SAR motion compensation, is discussed in this article. A fast PGA algorithm is also proposed. 研究了机载合成孔径雷达运动补偿中可以补偿任意阶相位误差的相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)算法,提出一种PGA快速算法。
In this paper, the phase path motion equation is derived by using phase plane method firstly. In the traditional control methods the primary factors which effects control precision are analyzed and its solutions are proposed. 首先运用相平面分析方法,推导了相轨迹运动方程,分析了传统控制方法影响控制精度的主要因素和解决途径;
Firstly we introduce the theory of ISAR imaging and the method of simulation, and we research the two steps ( range alignment and phase compensation) of the motion compensation respectively in detail. 首先给出了逆合成孔径雷达成像原理和对数据进行仿真的方法,然后分别对运动补偿的两个步骤(包络对齐和相位补偿)加以详细探讨。
From the effect of travelling seismic waves to see the necessity of considering the phase differences for strong motion observation of earth dam 从行波影响看土坝强震观测考虑相位差的必要性
Results of the algorithm can be used to compensate the phase error caused by motion error of the airborne. 该算法的估计结果可以用于补偿载机运动误差引入的相位误差,从而实现高分辨率成像。
In order to study the condition of motion of the gas and liquid inside the gas cyclone and the mechanism of separation, three-dimensional numeric simulation of internal flow field of gaseous phase and the motion condition of particles in it was conducted by using the software FLUENT. 为了研究旋风分离器内部气体和固体的运动状况与其分离机理,采用FLUENT软件对一旋风分离器内部气相流场和颗粒的运动状况进行三维数值仿真模拟。
The particle dispersion functions with different particle Stokes numbers of 0.01,1,10 and Reynolds numbers of 180 and 200 were compared, and the influence of gas phase field motion on particle dispersion in three-dimensional circular cylinder wake was investigated. 比较了不同颗粒Stokes数为0.01、1、10和不同Reynolds数为180和200下颗粒的扩散函数,考察了三维圆柱尾迹流流场中气相场的运动对颗粒相扩散的影响。
Pulsed NMR study on the phase structure and molecular motion of block copolymers of styrene and isoprene 苯乙烯-异戊二烯嵌段共聚物分子运动的脉冲核磁共振研究
Application of Reduced Phase Correlation Method in Motion Estimation of the Spacial Object Based on Edge Character 基于边缘特征的相位相关简化方法在空间目标运动估值中的应用
Application of Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Algorithm in Precision Motion Measurement 三维相位展开算法在精密运动测试中的应用
A method for predicting the phase spectra of strong ground motion is presented based on the equivalent dispersion of wave motion and the approach for synthesizing ground motions is then studied. 本文在强震地震波频散研究的基础上,进行了强地震动场相位预测方法和多点地面运动时程合成方法的研究。
Establishment on Two Phase Flow Charged Particles Motion Equation 荷电两相流动颗粒运动微分方程的建立
Investigation of Hurst exponent and phase pattern of molecular motion in liquid and vapor state 气液态分子运动的Hurst指数及相图研究
Calculation of the stable phase of interference sliding-motion pellets on linear reciprocating vibration 直线往复振动面上颗粒干涉滑动稳定相位的计算
For the given parameters, the quantitative and qualitative analyses to the phase portrait and motion circle of the nonlinear free vibration are dealt with. 对给定参量的非线性自由振动的相位图特性、振动周期等进行了定量及定性研究。
LIQUID LIQUID SEPARATION BETWEEN INCLINED PARALLEL PLATES(ⅰ)& Stratified Liquid Liquid Two Phase Flow and the Motion of Droplets 斜板间液-液两相的分离(Ⅰ)&液-液两相分层流动和液滴的运动
This paper proposed one video codec based on all phase subbands motion compensation in redundant discrete wavelet transform ( RDWT) domain. 提出了一种基于RDWT(冗余离散小波变换)域的全相位子带运动补偿视频编码方法。
The phase error reduction using motion compensation and autofocus algorithms are the essential steps in Synthetic Aperture Radar high resolution imaging. 合成孔径雷达实现几何高分辨成像处理的关键之一是进行运动补偿和聚焦处理来补偿各种原因引起的相位误差。
NNW mountains which have been studied accelerated uplift during the second and third phase of Kun-Huang motion. 研究区NNW向山脉的加速隆升期就发生在昆黄运动二、三幕阶段。
Degree of LV myocardium remodeling in HT was not uniform. Regularity of distribution probably depended on load of each segment of LV. in particular phase of motion of LV myocardium, particular segment would play a primary or secondary role in harmony. 高血压左室重构并非均匀一致,其分布规律可能取决于左心室心肌各节段承受的负荷程度,在心脏整体协调运动的某一特定时相,特定的心肌节段起主要或次要的作用。
Based on existing methods and our analysis, this paper presents a weighted phase correlation algorithm for motion estimation. The new method suppresses the effect of random noise and non-ideal sampling by using windows and low-pass filters. 在前面的这些研究基础上,论文提出并且实现了一种加权相位相关算法,该算法首先通过加窗、低通截频等处理抑制随机噪声和非理想采样对算法精度、鲁棒性的影响。
This paper analyzes the two key sources of phase errors, motion errors and oscillator errors. Modeling and analyzing the effect for imaging when added different modality errors in 3 different courses, giving the simulation result and errors criterions. 本文对相位误差的两大主要来源:运动误差和频率源误差作了分析,对不同航向不同形式的误差对成像的影响分别做了研究,给出了误差限制条件,以及对成像影响的仿真。
The advanced ignition timing could result in higher fractal dimension because of the advanced combustion phase and stronger turbulent motion. 提前火花点火时刻由于可以获得更早的着火时刻和更强的湍流运动使得其燃烧过程中分形维数较大。
Except for the phase error caused by uncompensated motion errors, the phase errors that affect the image quality can be caused by the propagation effects and system instability. 除由未补偿的运动误差引起的初相误差外,影响雷达图像聚焦性能的初相误差还包括由信号传播及系统的不稳定性等引起的初相误差。
And the formulas including phase equation, motion equation, field equation and source current equation are all deduced. 推导了一维和三维的运动方程、相位方程、场方程和源电流的计算方程。